Monday, April 20, 2009

Want to shout it from the mountain tops, but can't or won't

Author: Anon
Comments: Welcome

For the 1st time in 4 years I am crying with joy.

I have a positive result, 2 lines, a beta of 157.

I want to shout it from the top of the mountains, but I won't.

My husband and I will be the only ones to know for the next 6 weeks.

Finally our turn has come. Praise God!


  1. that is so awesome congrats!!!!!!

  2. WOWEEE! CONGRATS!!!Thats amazing!!! The wait is terrible, but at the end of the day, when teh announcing comes - you can do it proudly!!

  3. Congratualations!!!! Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy!

  4. Wonderful news! Congratulations to both of you! We believe and pray that all will go very well!

  5. No, No, No this is not fair. I want to know who you are so I can truely be happy for you!!!

    Congrats, but now I am going to be wondering for 6 weeks.....:-(
