Wednesday, September 23, 2009

To My "Close" Friend

Author: Anon
Comments are welcome

Please don’t tell me, “But there are worse things in the world than not being able to fall pregnant” when you have the child you wanted and I can’t have a child and you specifically asked me how our TTC plans were going.

You have no idea of the ache inside of me but instead I smile and interact with your child every weekend when we get together. I will from now on ensure that you never ever know the details of our heart-brakes.


  1. That is TOTALLY insensitive! Share her email address with me, she needs a serious wake-up call!

    The journey to Motherhood is tough enough without having insensitive jerks with verbal diahorrea talking crap, because that is what it is! Biggest load of nonsense I heard in a long time!

    So sorry you have to go through this!

  2. People have a way of forgetting how difficult it was to fall pregnant. Your "friend" is insensitive at the very best.

    I am so sorry you've had to go through this.


  3. I am so soory you had to endure that. You dont need people like that around you x x x
